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Students who quit the course will be charged $2,000.00

Students that have completed over 50% of the program or no longer eligible for any refunds. Students that have completed less than 50% of the program and wish to withdraw from our course will be refunded at a prorata basis.  This means that students will be refunded based on 
􀀁􀀂􀀃􀀄􀀅􀀆􀀇􀀈􀀉􀀊􀀋􀀌􀀍the hours they completed relative to the amount of hours left in the program and also based on 
the mount paid versus what is owed.  

Please note that if you do not pa􀀂􀀃􀀄􀀅􀀆􀀂􀀇􀀈􀀉􀀊􀀋􀀅􀀈􀀌􀀍􀀈􀀄􀀊􀀎􀀇􀀈􀀏􀀐􀀑􀀒􀀈􀀅􀀆􀀐􀀑􀀓􀀓􀀒􀀅􀀆􀀂􀀈􀀄􀀊􀀂􀀅􀀈􀀔􀀆􀀈􀀑􀀐􀀄􀀅􀀐􀀈􀀂􀀑􀀈􀀕􀀊􀀆􀀕􀀅􀀓􀀈y in full it does not always mean you will r􀀊􀀆􀀄􀀈􀀕􀀓􀀊􀀔􀀒􀀈􀀂􀀉􀀅􀀔􀀐􀀈􀀐􀀅􀀏􀀃􀀆􀀄􀀈􀀑􀀆􀀈􀀂􀀉􀀅􀀈􀀖􀀗􀀘􀀙􀀈eceive a refund based 􀀛􀀜􀀝􀀞􀀙􀀟􀀠on the fact that Dallas Blends spreads payments out in a payment schedule and drop fee.􀀁

Tuition Refund Policy

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